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Episode 97: We go back to the City of the Damned, a Mordheim 2022 recap

December 01, 2022 Adam Wier, Eric Wier, Gregory Wier

In this episode we are joined by Bill Ford, host of Mordheim 2022, Eric of Eric’s Hobby Workshop and Alex of the new YouTube channel Tabletop Wizards to talk about the recent event Mordheim 2022! We discuss what it is like to attend a small narrative/hobby focused event like Mordheim 2022, and how it does not need to be intimidating. We also detail the warbands we used in the event and some of the crazy and unfortunate happenings that occurred in the City of the Damned. We speak at length about things we would do differently if attending the event again or one in the future. We also talk about how YouTube may be helpful to encourage others to try to host their own narrative events. Finally, we talk briefly about what is next for us with Mordheim!

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And Tabletop Wizards

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And Eric's Hobby Workshop

See pictures from the event here

Nicky Grillet’s Mordheim box!

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