Dragged into Turbolasers

Episode 93: The Horus Heresy, plastic and beyond

Adam Wier, Eric Wier, Gregory Wier

In this episode, we are joined by an old high school friend, who is well read in terms of the Horus Heresy, to discuss Games Workshop’s newest rendition of the setting: Warhammer - The Horus Heresy. We talk a little about the history of the Horus Heresy in miniature form and how important it is that this new edition has recreated many of the classic Forge World models in plastic. We talk briefly about whether we think the new game will be successful in getting new people to play the Horus Heresy, or simply bolster peoples’ 40k armies. Finally, we predict what Games Workshop will do next with the setting, in terms of new models, and talk about what models we would like to build and paint in the future.